What is your Deal Theme?

Every single sales opportunity has a theme centered about the problem your solution provides. Your solution; Saves time, saves money, saves hours, saves lives, increases revenue, expands the brand. What you think is your Deal Theme on day one may not be the reality when the deal closes. For example, you may approach a hospital thinking you will save them money with your unique solution because it is cheaper but, in the end, you found you were able to help them increase revenue with a more efficient solution. Therefore it is imperative you test your deal theme hypothesis throughout the sales cycle.

Ideally there should be a place in your CRM for each opportunities Deal Theme. As the deal progresses, you need to center your questioning around validating the theme. Ask yourselves and the customer; “If we save you money, then what?” “What are the top three values you see our solution provide your organization?” “Will anyone get fired if this problem is not fixed.” (Who knows, you could be selling job security….)

In the end, you get better at selling the true value of your solution. The messaging around your solution will begin to reflect the value your clients sees. The value in why they bought your solution in the first place.

Try this: As a manager of a sales executive, ask what problem the salesperson is solving a specific prospect. Ask the same question each week and see if the answer is refined over time as an understanding of the real pain becomes evident. The salesperson should be asking the right questions of the prospect to get the

Peter Longo
September 22

Determining Your Product Pricing

OK, so you’ve got the idea and maybe you even have a prototype of the product or service your are planning to offer.

October 06

How to Determine your Customer Lifetime Value (LTV)

Customer lifetime value (LTV) is an important measure of unit economics for MedTech and HealthTech companies.